About us
Skåne and the world face major societal challenges in several areas. Meeting them requires new solutions, innovation. In addition, in Skåne, the job growth is low. That is why we work to meet global challenges with innovation power from Skåne.
Innovation Skåne works for Skåne and for the world around us, so that innovative power from Skåne can make a lasting difference in the world. We are Region Skåne’s innovation company and together with private and public actors we guide and develop new opportunities for innovation and growth that improve Skåne as well as the world. We do this in innovation areas where Skåne possess uniquely good conditions to meet global needs.
When we use innovation to contribute to the development of Skåne, we also contribute to the development of local innovations that can be disseminated in the rest of the world. And vice versa, when we support local innovations in their growth and willingness to go global, we can also benefit from the innovations here at home. Global and regional challenges are often similar, it turns out.